Camping Means More Time with Family

by Wendy on June 5, 2015


One in four households participates in some type of camping every year, according to the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association’s (RVIA) Consumer Demographic Profile, according to a report by the Lewiston (Pa.) Sentinel.

No matter if it’s tenting, RVing or enjoying an a cabin, more people are looking to spend time in the outdoors.

Jennifer Schwartz, vice president of marketing for the National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC), found that the No. 1 reason camping is popular is people can spend time with family, reconnect and enhance relationships.

“Camping provides that escape and time to bond; it encourages interaction. Nearly 90% of all campers camp with their spouse, children and/or extended family,” Schwartz said.

It is also affordable and offers a wide variety of things to do and amenities in one place. Schwartz pointed out that campgrounds cater to the family and have activities for all ages.

Trends are leaning toward people wanting a little more convenience while they are enjoying a trip, and Schwartz said RV ownership has grown to 8.9 million households.

“While tent and RV camping remain popular, the trend is the park model or cabin, to allow for more convenience and comfort as well as ease of use. More than 40% of campers have stayed in these types of accommodations and the number is growing,” Schwartz said. “Recent studies show that 90 percent of outdoor enthusiasts, but non-campers would be interested in renting a cabin that feature amenities like a full bath, kitchen, beds, TV etc. which many campgrounds offer in addition to tent and RV sites.”

Aside from the many state parks that offer camping here in Pennsylvania, private campgrounds have a lot of amenities people are looking for these days.

“The full camping experience and value that privately owned parks offer as well as the modern and clean facilities, variety of amenities and onsite recreational options create a great family destination for experienced and first-time campers alike,” Schwartz said.

To read the original article, go to Camping Provides More Time for Family

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