via Lauren Mowery (USA Today)
Oregon is a tale of the outdoors. It is a land of both grand and intimate landscapes, from the widest desert vistas to the tiniest tide pools. It is a place where residents’ time is measured not by meetings nor to-do lists, but by the length of bike track left in the mud, the miles of shoreline paddled, the layers of dirt caked high on hiking boots. The vast wilderness, from coast to countryside, presents the perfect conditions for dreaming while awake, for creativity needs space to flourish.
The resulting Oregonian ingenuity drives not only a way of life, one of self-reliance and fierce preservation of the environment, but much of the beer, wine and food world, too. Which is why a long, slow drive across this sparsely-populated state is one of America’s last great road trips. With excellent road conditions largely devoid of cars but rife with wilderness, wineries and breweries, you may just want to stay forever.
While the following itinerary took 10 days to complete, the pace was admittedly relaxed.
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