Transient Room Tax (TRT) Task Force Meeting Action Report
held on Thursday, October 11
Dear Friends,
SUCCESS!!!! It was a packed room Thursday and every attendee did a great job making the case for their piece of the TRT* Taxes. The moderator, Mr. Cuyler said he received more than 40 pieces of written testimony including our own which you can find here.
If you have not done so, please send me a copy of your testimony so we can post it to the web site!
I already received copies of Testimony from Shannon Nill who responded as an ORVA board member and on behalf of Guaranty RV . Ron Lee of Country Coach Corporation, Mike Brown of Deerwood RV Park. Sherry Fanning of County Coach Friends, and Tom Schneider former Guaranty Salesman and retired RV owner.
Special thanks to ORVA Founding Charter members, Paul and Vickie Williams, owners of Premier RV Resorts, who spoke before me, and offered hard facts about their TRT collections over the last decade, $300,000.00. Paul broke the ice and some of the tension in the room with a humorous comment about recently becoming a non-profit, like so many of the other Stakeholders who offered testimony. It was recorded, and if I can get a copy I will post that too.
I was last to speak and left a lasting impression with a stunt. I couldn’t help myself, despite the seriousness of the moment; after all, I am a Salesman and a Promoter at heart.
I brought a 6″ Pie, dropped it on the table in front of the Task Force stating that I had a little different angle than everyone else, since we don’t actually get any of the pie now. I then pulled out a can of whipped cream, and squirted a mound on top, which I then proceeded to top with a Maraschino Cherry. While making the point that The RV Industry was not actually seeking to take from the pie, but rather that by targeting the RV Owner, we would actually add value to the pie:) I have decided to adopt the moniker “Pie Guy”. I have posted my Testimony online for you.
There was a lot of spirited discussion afterwords about RV’s, much of which seemed thoughtful and enthusiastic. There was much concern that the TRT taxes were not being used to market to the RV Industry. I had several positive conversations afterward with other stakeholders and three of the five task force members connected with me for extra dialog. ORVA board member Jerry Rust suggested we (the ORVA community) talk with our county commissioner. The TRT Task Force will develop recommendations to present to the County Commissioners December 5th.
Thanks for your continued support!!!
Bradley T Waring (Pie Guy)
For questions contact Bradley Waring at: 541.521.4277 or by email at: